Major League Baseball Cancels Start Of Season Due To Dispute March 3, 2022 Adrian Sterne

Major League BaseballSummary

  • MLB Commissioner announces start of the regular season is now cancelled
  • MBL and MLBPA once again fail to reach collective bargaining agreement
  • Commissioner says both parties tried their best to solve the dispute

Baseball fans are going to be disappointed with the news coming out of the latest statement from Major League Baseball (MLB).

MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred has told media that the start of the regular season now stands cancelled as the MBL and the MLB Players Association (MLBPA) have failed to reach an agreement.

Unable To Reach Collective Bargaining Agreement

The MLB and MLBPA have been at loggerheads for the last few months and the discussions between the two sides had reached a stalemate. The MLBPA wanted more from the MLB before it would commit to signing a collective bargaining agreement. The MLB made a last offer based on the demands of the MLBPA on March 02 but it turned out that the offer was not good enough for the MLBPA to sign the agreement.

The new offer from the MLB was unanimously shot down by the MLBPA and soon after Commissioner Manfred announced that regular season games will be cancelled. Manfred said that he really hoped that the two parties would have been able to work out a mutual agreement but in the end there were still too many issues that both sides could not agree on. The Commissioner made it clear that both parties put in a lot of effort and the disagreement was not because of a lack of effort from either side.


It’s now been three months since the MLB and the MLBPA have tried to work out a new collective bargaining agreement. The two sides will now wait a few more days before they once again come to the table to see if they can work out a new collective bargaining agreement.

MLBPA Expresses Disappointment With The Result

The MLBPA released a statement and expressed their disappointment with what the MLB offered them and how things turned out. They said they were willing to do what it takes to resolve the conflict with the MLB provided the MLB is willing to give the players a fair deal.

MLP players have also expressed their frustration of not being able to play and the narrative that the MLP is pushing that the players are at fault for the MLB season being cancelled.

About The Author


My name is Adrian Sterne, my main goal is to create a platform for people interested in sports and sports betting - be it professionals thirsty for more information or complete beginners who need a 101 guide.