Washington Redskins Get Slammed For Passing On Kaepernick December 7, 2018 Adrian Sterne https://plus.google.com/u/0/107032931670136448831

washington redskinsColin Kaepernick will most likely see another NFL season pass him by as he continues to remain a spectator. This is a pretty hard for Kaepernick who is missing out on the opportunity of playing in his prime and making an impact in the NFL.

There are no NFL franchises who are willing to sign the controversial quarter-back and that’s the price he has had to pay ever since he led the anthem-protest of taking a knee to protest police violence on the black community. Kaepernick has filed a lawsuit against the NFL alleging collusion between the different NFL franchises to keep him from playing in the league.

The latest NFL franchise that has ignored Kaepernick are the Washington Redskins. The team were on the lookout for not one but two quarter-backs in recent weeks but Kaepernick was never in their plans and they did not even call him for a discussion. There are a number of NFL Players who support Kaepernick and believe that he is a very good quarter-back who should be playing in the league.

RT America

Richard Sherman who now plays for the San Francisco 49ers is one of those players who believes Kaepernick is not getting a fair shake. He pointed to the fact that the Redskins decided to hire Reuben Foster although he was arrested twice this year for assault on the same woman.

Sherman Lashes Out At Washington Redskins

Sherman believes that the Redskins were biased in their hiring decision as they went on to hire quarter-backs who were in no way as good as Kaepernick.

In a statement, Sherman said

Obviously the Washington situation is the most egregious at this moment, but there have been plenty of quarterback situations that have been worse than this, and quarterbacks that have played meaningful football in this league that are not as talented or have the resume that Colin Kaepernick has.

The Washington Redskins did address the reason why they decided to pass on Kaepernick but Sherman is not buying it. Jay Gruden who is the coach of the Redskins said the team decided to pass on Kaepernick because there wasn’t sufficient time to train a new quarter-back on the new system and it would be tough for the Redskins to get a new system and new quarter-back into the team at the same time.

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My name is Adrian Sterne, my main goal is to create a platform for people interested in sports and sports betting - be it professionals thirsty for more information or complete beginners who need a 101 guide.