Djokovic Could Get Visa Cancelled Over “Character Flaws” January 13, 2022 Adrian Sterne

Novak Djokovic pleads caseSummary

  • Djokovic admitted to going out in public after testing positive
  • His Australian visa could get cancelled over character flaws
  • Australians upset over lying Djokovic

The visa controversy surrounding top men’s tennis pro Novak Djokovic continues in Australia as the media exposed the fact that Djokovic was out in public in 2021 even though he had tested positive for COVID-19.

Djokovic was granted an Australian visa earlier in the week even though he is not vaccinated on the basis that he caught COVID-19 in late 2021 and as a result could enter Australia without being vaccinated since he was already infected. The media released pictures of Djokovic out in public during the dates when he said he tested positive, taking pictures with fans and giving interviews.

Djokovic Releases Statement To Clarify

Djokovic put a lot of people at risk by going out in public even though he tested positive and it is clearly not behaviour that is acceptable or responsible for the Serbian tennis star who has close to 10 million followers on Instagram.

Aussie media also tore into Djokovic with one TV host calling him “a lying, sneaky, ass****” unaware that the cameras were already recording. Aussies are also upset that Djokovic is getting special treatment by the government and being allowed to enter Australia unvaccinated.

With Djokovic getting so much heat in the Aussie media, the tennis ace was forced to release a post on Instagram and clarify things. Djokovic informed his fans that he did go out when he was positive and also admitted to providing false information on his travel form to Australian authorities.

He claimed that he did not travel anywhere in the last 14 days prior to entering Australia, a claim that is false as he visited Spain and Serbia. Djokovic said his agent filled in the form and made a genuine mistake in not ticking the box. The Aussie public in general don’t believe this and believe Djokovic was falsifying information to get in and play the 2022 Australian Open which starts on Jan 17.

Character Flaws Could Get Visa Cancelled

Immigration Minister Alex Hawke stated earlier this week that even though Djokovic was given a visa to enter Australia, he was now looking at cancelling that visa and deporting Djokovic. He has more reason to do so now as there is enough evidence to cancel Djokovic’s visa on the basis of character flaws.


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My name is Adrian Sterne, my main goal is to create a platform for people interested in sports and sports betting - be it professionals thirsty for more information or complete beginners who need a 101 guide.