USAG Alleged To Have Paid McKayla Maroney For Her Silence On Abuse December 22, 2017 Adrian Sterne

McKayla MaroneyOlympic gold medalist McKayla Maroney claims in a lawsuit filed last Wednesday that USA Gymnastics paid her to keep silent about the sexual abuse she suffered under Larry Nassar, the team doctor. The lawsuit was filed at the Los Angeles County Superior Court and has named Michigan State University, the United States Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics and Nassar as defendants in the case.

The lawsuit states that USA Gymnastics (USAG) forced the gold medalist to sign a non-disparagement clause and a confidentiality provision as part of a financial settlement since Maroney needed to pay for psychological treatment.

The lawsuit goes onto say that Maroney was gripped by depression and anxiety because she was terrified that the photos Nassar had taken of her could have been shared with other pedophiles. The gymnast claims that the doctor took thousands of pictures of her, with many pictures showing Nassar sexually abusing Maroney under the guise of physical treatment.


In response to the lawsuit, USAG has claimed in a statement that the concept of confidentiality was initiated by Maroney’s lawyer Gloria Alfred at the time of the settlement. The statement goes on to say that USAG, while disappointed that a lawsuit has been filed against them, applauds Maroney for coming forward. The organization claims that they are willing to work with the gold medalist to help others who might be suffering from sexual abuse as well.

In a statement, Maroney’s current lawyer, John Manly said

USA Gymnastics publicly discussed the exact same subject matter it sought to conceal, only months prior, presumably, to divert the public from USAG’s misdeeds and associate itself with disclosure by McKayla Maroney, which it clearly tried to prevent with this unlawful agreement

Manly is now attempting to get the gymnast released from the non-disclosure agreement. Maroney’s attorney is claiming that in the state of California, where Maroney lives, a victim of child sexual abuse cannot to be forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a part of a

McKayla Maroney is not the only gymnast to come out against USAG and Nassar. Two of her teammates who were part of the 2012 London Olympic team have come forward as well. Aly Raisman and Gabby Douglas have both recently claimed that Nassar had been sexually abusing USAG athletes for many years.

Larry Nassar has since been fired from USAG and pleaded guilty for child pornography possession as well as seven accounts of sexual assault.

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My name is Adrian Sterne, my main goal is to create a platform for people interested in sports and sports betting - be it professionals thirsty for more information or complete beginners who need a 101 guide.